YOU WILL WONDER HOW YOU MANAGED WITHOUT US is a community association online service and resource, with over 30 years of combined experience managing, maintaining, and restoring Florida community associations: condominiums, HOA, Time Share, Cooperatives, neighborhood associations, and other multi-family communities. Our content, services, and resources are designed to service, educate and assist you in the DIY management of your community. founder, Ken Kmet, pioneered and developed TELE-MANAGEMENT and TELE-MAINTENANCE services, using today’s technology and devices, to assist you and your community from a distance, with just about every task you have to face. Check out our Youtube channel: condotube, where we have posted many of the videos you will find in the Videos section for our members. Ken’s blog posts are his current views on the latest community association industry news, alerts and events. We post articles with in depth information to help you tackle your projects. If you need assistance, you can hire our TELE-MANAGEMENT or TELE-MAINTENANCE services. Simple or complex, for an hour or a day, whatever the need, we are here for you.
Our tele-management services use every technology to enable us to assist you to manage your community from a distance in an efficient, economical, and timely manner. We connect with you using video conference, email, text, chat, Facetime, and community websites. We use devices including mobile phone, video and still cameras, laptop, satellite imagery and services, drones, scanners, and more. We provide services including voice and video meeting attendance, notices, minutes, elections, reports, reserve analysis, budgets, accounting, physical repair analysis and solutions, construction management, building restoration, commercial product recommendations and specifications, reserve replacements, management search, community communications and publications, community directories, dispute resolution, security solutions, and so much more. Tele-Management services may be new to you, but we have been helping community associations successfully for years. We will coach you through how it is done. If you are a small association or just never thought you could afford professional property management, now you can. The bottom line is we are here for you when you need us to help make your community better.
Lets get practical with some examples of what we do. We answer your questions by email, give you advice over the phone, attend a board meeting via video conference using Zoom, offer guidance after reviewing your photographs of a maintenance concern, inspect a repair need using Facetime, prepare and mail/email a community document or newsletter, keep your association in compliance with the Florida Statutes, file your corporate annual report, or some other specific need from the endless number of possibilities of servicing a community association. Our Tele-Management and Tele-Maintenance services are economically affordable, efficient, and responsive. Your saying great, but what do we charge and how do we charge. Ok, here it is. Since most every task is near impossible to estimate the time it will take to complete, since all service requests take at least a few back and forth emails, and perhaps phone calls. You send us the initial request. We respond, and ask a few getting started questions. When you respond, we will tell you how many hours we estimate it will take to complete the task. If you agree, we send you an emailed invoice for the time bock needed. Our rate has two tiers. $85.00 per hour for a property manager, and $55.00 per hour for an administrative assistant. You purchase that block of time from us, and we get started. It is that simple.
We’ve been doing this for years, however, with the current crisis of the Covid-19 virus, and the mandated social distancing and protocols, these services are in great demand and providing assistance to many community associations in their time of need. How can we help you today?
We have always been hands on managers, seeking the most practical, reasonable, economic solutions possible. Over the past fifteen (15) years, we have documented in pictures, video, and field notes most of the projects we have managed. We have posted a few of these on our Youtube channel: condotube, and have posted many of these on this website Videos. We have many more in production that we will be publishing over time. And… as we manage current projects, they are being documented as well for future publishing. We saved repair parts and samples of damages replaced, all documenting what to do and not to do. Fresh original content is being added regularly. Our founder and President Ken Kmet publishes his blog covering current news and events that affect the community association industry, locally and world wide. As technology evolves, we will use it to enhance our ability to assist you.
A fact you may not know is, more than half of all Florida Community Associations are self managed, or DIY. Residents of these communities that serve as board members have literally no reliable source to turn to in time of need. The rate of change in the community association industry has accelerated, and staying compliant with all of the new laws, codes, and requirements is difficult. More and more time is required of them, and, with an increasing liability for non compliance, it has made many rethink serving in these roles, even to the point of apathy. In smaller associations with limited budgets, and no budget for management, hiring full time management is simply out of the question. is the affordable management alternative solution for self managed DIY community associations, and managed associations that need a one time or special project assistance using our considerable experience.