If you have never been to our website before, here is who we are and what we do.
We assist community association leaders, board members, volunteers, to get things done for their communities. Anything from simple advise to a complicated project, we are their for you. When you join, we have content and resources that are self serve, including articles, blog posts, videos, all on “how to” manage your community. And/or we can respond to your individual needs via email, phone, or tele-conference. If you are a newly elected board member, we can give you a quick assist in the basics. So we are here for you.
Tell us your problem, include what you’ve done so far, and we will help you get to the solution. Condovoice.com is an assist-to-manage resource for all types of self-managed community associations. It doesn’t matter where you are located, because we do everything digitally. For example, got a repair? Not sure what it is, how to fix it, who to call? Send us a few pictures, and we can probably ID the problem, and point you in the right direction for that solution.
We are an online, on demand, assist-to-manage resource for community associations: condominium associations, homeowner (HOA) associations, cooperatives, townhomes, time shares, planned unit developments, and neighborhoods.
We are located in Florida, so we can be of best help to Florida community associations, since laws in various states are a bit different.
Your subscription allows you complete access to all our online documents, articles, videos, forum, business directory, web resources, and other growing content that may have solutions for all or part of the problem you are experiencing. If you don’t find exactly what you were looking for, then contact us and we will listen and work with you to find a solution to your specific challenge. Whether it is a management, administration, accounting, or maintenance or repair issue, we can help. We will tell you what documents to gather, pictures to take, and perhaps a short video. We will make some calls, do some research, and get back to you with a solution. Chances are, with our 30 years of experience managing, repairing, and restoring community associations of all types and sizes, we’ve experienced exactly (or very near to) what you are encountering.
We know how board members, decision makers for communities, think. We know your concerns and your difficulties. We can probably finish your community association related sentences. We’ve designed our website and services to fit the self managed community association budget. We want to be your self managed community association assist-to-manage resource. We say assist to manage because we know you ultimately are managing your association, but we can help (assist) you where and when you need it. After you subscribe, and you use our online self help resources, and hire us to solve a few of your specific problems, you will wonder how (and why) you managed without us.
Please join our crew, subscribe your community association, your business, or yourself today.